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Sarah Starr

B.App.Sc (Speech Pathology), M.Health Sc. (Educ), M.S.P.A.A., C.P.S.P

Sarah graduated from the Cumberland College of Health Sciences, University of Sydney with a Bachelor of Science in Speech Pathology in 1986. She later completed a Masters of Health Science (Education), University of Sydney in 1995. She is a member and registered certified practicing speech pathologist with Speech Pathology Association of Australia.


Sarah has extensive experience in the assessment and management of paediatric feeding and communication disorders and working integrally with families, carers, schools and care facilities over 39 years of clinical practice. Sarah has particular experience with infants and children with a range of congenital syndromes, neurological conditions, craniofacial syndromes and conditions, chromosome abnormalities, autistic spectrum disorder, developmental delay, acquired brain injury and premature infants having worked in The Dental Clinic, The Cleft Palate Clinic, special care and neonatal nurseries and outpatient clinics at Westmead Hospital and The Children's Hospital, Westmead, and The Cerebral Palsy Alliance of NSW and continuing this specialty in private practice. Sarah has worked with a range of speech disorders including palatal difficulties, Childhood Apraxia of Speech (CAS), language disorders and social communication disorders.


Sarah specialises in a range of breast, bottle, solid feeding difficulties, and a range of complex medical conditions, craniofacial and congenital anomalies, autism spectrum disorder, developmental delay and long term tube fed infants. Sarah has many years experience transitioning infants and children from tube feeding to oral feeding.

Sarah has provided 2-5 day workshops through The Paediatric Feeding Education Programs( 1992-2012) and individual 1-2 day workshops to a range of health professionals across Australia and overseas as well as lecturing to the Masters of Speech Pathology students, Macquarie University for many years.


Sarah is passionate in her assessment, diagnosis and management of children and committed to achieve the best outcomes for each individual child and family.


As an experienced speech pathologist in the disability field, Sarah also provides medico-legal assessments and reports when required.


Publications include:
Starr.S. Management of paediatric feeding. Ch. 15 in Foundations of dysphagia, theory & practice. Edited by Bruce Murdoch and Julie Chicero, Wiley Press, London, 2006
Starr.S. So your child doesn't want to eat and has feeding difficulties. Westmead Hospital, Sydney, 1992
Starr. S The Feeding Assessment Resources and Management Guide (F.A.R.M), Westmead Hospital, Sydney, 1990
Starr, S. Speech, Language and Swallowing. Ch. 16 in Handbook of Paediatric Dentistry. Ed.5 A Cameron & R. Widmer 3rd Edition, 2022.


Resources /DVD's developed and contributed to:
- Feeding development: Birth to 2 years, Westmead Audiovisual and speech pathology unit, 1995
-"Sign Baby , 2009, Sofie Golan. Sarah provides professional advice on this video using AUSLAN signs with a range of client groups including autism spectrum disorder

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